Meksika mund SHBA-të, modelja mban premtimin dhe zhvishet [Foto +18]

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Modelja feston kualifikimin në Kupën e Konfederatave.

Një modele mbreslënëse venezueliane i çmendi tifozët meksikanë pasi u zhvesh për të festuar kualifikimin e vendit për në Kupën e Konfederatave.

Arcelia Bravo kishte premtuar se do të zhviëshej e tëra nudo “ashtu sikurse më ka sjellë Zoti në jetë”, nëse Meksika i mundte SHBA-të dhe ajo e mbajti fjalën për lumturinë e 100,000 fansave të saj në Twitter./mapo
Arcelia Bravo pledged that she would pose naked "As God Brought Me Into The World" if Mexico beat the United States and she kept her promise to her adoring 100,000 fans on Twitter.Arcelia Bravo pledged that she would pose naked "As God Brought Me Into The World" if Mexico beat the United States and she kept her promise to her adoring 100,000 fans on Twitter.Arcelia Bravo pledged that she would pose naked "As God Brought Me Into The World" if Mexico beat the United States and she kept her promise to her adoring 100,000 fans on Twitter.Arcelia Bravo pledged that she would pose naked "As God Brought Me Into The World" if Mexico beat the United States and she kept her promise to her adoring 100,000 fans on Twitter.Arcelia Bravo pledged that she would pose naked "As God Brought Me Into The World" if Mexico beat the United States and she kept her promise to her adoring 100,000 fans on Twitter.Arcelia Bravo pledged that she would pose naked "As God Brought Me Into The World" if Mexico beat the United States and she kept her promise to her adoring 100,000 fans on Twitter.Arcelia Bravo pledged that she would pose naked "As God Brought Me Into The World" if Mexico beat the United States and she kept her promise to her adoring 100,000 fans on Twitter.Arcelia Bravo pledged that she would pose naked "As God Brought Me Into The World" if Mexico beat the United States and she kept her promise to her adoring 100,000 fans on Twitter.Arcelia Bravo pledged that she would pose naked "As God Brought Me Into The World" if Mexico beat the United States and she kept her promise to her adoring 100,000 fans on Twitter.Arcelia Bravo pledged that she would pose naked "As God Brought Me Into The World" if Mexico beat the United States and she kept her promise to her adoring 100,000 fans on Twitter.

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