26 years since the murder of her father, Rudina Hajdari: I will never know what really happened, but I am convinced that it was a political murder

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On September 12, it will be 26 years since the execution of Azem Hajdar near the headquarters of the Democratic Party, which would later be considered the murder of the century because of his image and the events that followed with the coup attempt two days later.

Azem Hajdari’s daughter, Rudina Hajdari, who is also engaged in politics, in an interview with Report TV for the show ‘Frontline Interview’, said that the killing was political and that they are not committed to knowing who pulled the trigger.

Hajdari told journalist Marsela Karapanço that the killing was political in the highest ranks of that time, both in Albania and in the region.

‘The killing of Hajdari was political and we have not been involved in who pulled the trigger on the gun that killed Azem Hajdari. So the issue does not remain there, but it is deeper and wider, for us there is no doubt that the killing of Hajdar was political in the highest ranks of that time. Be it Albania, but also the region. It was a murder that belongs only to justice. Justice has its limits, for us it was important as a family to focus on the fact that Azem Hajadari had a dream for Albania so that even after his elimination we would continue with such steps and invest through our contribution. I will never find out what really happened, but we are convinced that it was a political murder.’ – said Hajdari.

As he remembered that sad day, Hajdari said that Azem Hajdari was very loved throughout Albania. According to her, he could have left the country, but he didn’t because he was a righteous man.

`12 Shatori I think like most. It was with an incredible downpour. We were shocked, I had a few moments before my father’s murder, it happened sometime at 9:20… the whole family was present in front of the PD headquarters, enjoying the last moments as the most beautiful family moments, and let’s not focus on the days following the event. They were successful activities and you also remember about PD that at that time it was in the opposition. As after 1997, the engagement of the DP, especially in the south of the country, was very difficult. The success in the rallies in Fier was an achievement that proved how beloved he was throughout Albania, where gangs and state capture dominated at that time. It was a difficult time at that time. A year before the event, there was an assassination attempt on the Assembly. I know 4 assassinations He knew the danger that threatened him. He had the chance to leave, but he didn’t because he was a very righteous man. Although they managed to eliminate his figure!’– said Hajdari.

Asked about his involvement in politics, Hajdari said that he is part of the DP and that he would like to contribute to that party.

‘I am part of the DP, I would like to give my contribution and for the DP, I can do it best without compromising my essence as a person. My thoughts have had personal costs and endanger the electoral system, but they also have their own consequences in the way the lists are selected. I want to see DP in power tomorrow. The country should be governed by young people’, Hajdari said.

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