556 years ago, our National Hero, Gjergj Kastriot Skënderbeu, passed away

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Today marks 556 years since the death of the Albanian National Hero, Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu. He was born on May 6, 1405 and was the youngest son of Gjon Kastriot and Princess Vojsava. Skanderbeg was then taken hostage by the Ottoman army after his father was defeated by Sultan Murat in 1421 and taken to the Sultan’s court in Adrianople.

He has entered history as an outstanding strategist of defensive battles, because with a small army he was able to withstand and destroy the Ottoman army, the most organized and modern of his time.

Gjergj Kastritoti led the fight for the independence of the Albanian nation against the Ottoman invaders, as well as worked for the political-state unification of the Albanian people.

With the Assembly of Lezha, Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu laid the foundations of the Albanian state. For 25 years in a row, Skenderbeu defended the freedom of the people and his country and his war prevented the Ottoman expansion towards Europe, for which he won the gratitude of the European States and the Pope of Rome since he was alive and much more after his death.

Skenderbeu’s name has been a source of inspiration for the renaissance, a bright example to be had in the battles of changes to return freedom, dignity, open union, the path of progress to the people. In the immortal figure of Gjergj Kastriot Skënderbeu, the Albanian people always have the example and symbol of unity, brotherhood, freedom, patriotism, harmony and democracy.

In January 1468, Skenderbeu fell ill during an Assembly called by him, in which all the Albanian princes were invited. He died at the age of 63 on January 17, 1468 in Lezha.

Skanderbeg’s work and figure had European dimensions and importance. He was highly regarded by prominent European personalities of the time. This is proven by the fact that a diverse literature has been written about Skenderbeu, of hundreds of volumes, published in many languages ​​and in all four corners of the world. Among the Albanian authors are Marin Barleti, Fan Noli, Sabri Godo, Fatos Daci.

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