84 years old sleeps on hospital benches, her daughter is fighting for her life! The story of grandfather Bardhi, 8 days without food

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This is one of those stories that breaks your heart when you hear it, this is the story of Bardhosh Hanaj, or as everyone calls him, Grandpa Bardhi. Grandfather Bardhi is 84 years old and comes from the village of Mesaplik in Vlora. The reason why he is in the studio tonight is because all those who knew him became so fond of him that they wanted to become our collaborators to give him a few moments of joy in these days choked with suffering.

Once upon a time, his life was much different. He had a big house in the village where he lived with his wife and 3 children, 2 daughters and a son.

Every day he worked hard to make a living for himself and his family, he was always a strong and very proud man. He did not like to surrender to the sufferings of life and always held his head high. As much as he could, he also helped other people in the village when they were in need.

Like any other father, he only wanted to discipline his children. He wished that they would create their own families and give them many grandchildren, while he and his wife would spend their old age in the village, take care of their grandchildren and plant fruits and vegetables so that they could eat healthy products.

But life had other plans for him.

Almost 24 years ago, the grandfather’s son, who at that time was 16 years old, drowned in the Tirana lake due to an incident and lost his life.

When the news reached Grandpa Bardhi’s house, it seemed as if the whole world collapsed. This was the first blow that bent him over in pain that has not faded even today. Grandpa Bardhi was trying to be strong. He was the man of the house and did not allow himself to look weak in front of his wife and two daughters. Men don’t cry and don’t give up, he said. While his wife could not overcome the pain of not having her son anymore. Day after day, boredom and pain were suffocating him until the day came when grandfather told Bardhi that he couldn’t take it anymore. There was no life without the boy. And he, breaking her heart little by little, told her that she could go away in peace, he would bear it for both of them. And so his wife passed away and left him alone.

Years passed but the boy’s wound never closed. But grandfather Bardhi did not give himself up. He married his two daughters and became a grandfather with a grandson and a granddaughter from his eldest daughter Marjeta. He loved them very much and saw them as the light of his eyes. Unfortunately, their father abandoned them when they were very young, but Grandpa Bardhi was there for them and would never abandon them, no matter what. The girl Marjeta was a ray of hope for him, a ray that kept him alive. With him he shared memories, pains but also the little warmth he had left. Marjeta helped him a lot with the village chores, never let him get tired and often told him to take care of himself.

But, little by little, even this ray of hope began to fade. Marjeta was feeling weak. He got short of breath when he worked and started passing out very often. Grandpa Bardhi sent him for many visits to the hospital. They moved to the city of Vlora, they rented a house near the hospital because they were spending more time there than in the village. 4 years passed since grandfather Bardhi went from one hospital to another until he was brought to the Tirana hospital. His daughter has been diagnosed with a rare disease which has also damaged her lungs. She has been in a very serious condition for days, there were even moments when she was in danger of losing her life, but the doctors managed to stabilize her.

The first days were the hardest. Grandpa Bardhi has no one to help him. He is 84 years old and takes care of his sick daughter alone because he cannot bear to lose her too. Every night I sleep on a chair or on a square in the hospital corridor. He washes with cold water in the hospital bathrooms and goes to Vlora very rarely to see how his nephew and niece are doing. Grandpa Bardhi went 8 days without eating anything because he found it difficult to ask others for help. He survived 8 days only by drinking water from the hospital tap. Again, he has not lost the strength to stay close to the girl. He does not want to leave her, he says that he must always be at least 10 meters close so that she can feel his presence and feel that she is not alone.

It has been almost 40 days since he stayed close to the girl in the hospital. At the moment she is intubated and cannot speak, so the only way of communication between them is by writing letters to each other. Marjeta is worried about the children, they are now 18 and 19 years old and need more than ever to have their mother close. Every day she asks her father if they have eaten and if they are healthy.

Grandpa Bardhi understands that the situation is not good at all, but he does not lose hope. He prays every day just for the girl to get well. At night, as he lies awake in the quiet corridor of the hospital, where only the sound of medical machines can be heard, he whispers to himself: “Oh boy, aren’t you calling your sister to you?” and continues to pray for a miracle. A miracle for things to return to the way they were./TCH

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