Don’t forget the umbrellas! Weather forecast for the week: Rain returns! Here’s how the temperatures will go

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Our country during this week will be affected by mainly unstable atmospheric conditions.

From Monday to Friday, the weather is predicted to be cloudy, while rain returns during this week. In the area of ​​the northwest and center (partially south), these precipitations in short-term periods will be of up to high intensity and rapid in the form of downpours accompanied by electric discharges.

For Friday in the area of ​​the Alps and the northeast, snowfall of average intensity and locally snowfall of high intensity in the form of snow storms.

Weather forecast from SHMU:

For the week ahead, our country will be affected by mainly unstable atmospheric conditions due to moist air masses of western origin.

Unlike the last few days where, due to air masses of polar origin, we had low temperatures (both in the minimum and midday values), for the week before, the air masses are warmer with western origin. This will translate into rising temperatures even along the western lowlands to several degrees above the country’s climate average.

In this way, for Monday, Thursday and Friday, the weather is predicted with dense clouds (except for short-term sunny intervals in the southern area). Cloudiness will be accompanied in most of the territory with rain of mostly average intensity. But in the northwest and center area (partially south), these precipitations in short-term periods will be of up to high intensity and rapid in the form of downpours accompanied by electrical discharges. For Friday in the area of ​​the Alps and the northeast, snowfall of average intensity and locally snowfall of high intensity in the form of snow storms.

Relatively more stable weather is expected on Tuesday and Wednesday, where cloudy weather will prevail, but there will also be periods of clearing. Cloudiness for these days will be accompanied by rain with low to locally moderate intensity in the north and center as well as low intensity in the southern area.

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