“We will continue to try dialogue within the species”- Çollaku: By blocking this parliament, we are blocking ourselves

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The deputy of the official Democratic Party, Kreshnik Çollaku, stopped to speak to the media at the end of the plenary session, which lasted only 12 minutes.

Çollaku states that they supported and continue to support the action of their colleagues, but it seems that this is fundamentally damaging the opposition and the debate in that hall, which is their only weapon.

He also said that they will continue to try dialogue within the species to get out of this situation.

Çollaku: And this today is an abnormal session. An abnormality that, in our opinion, basically damages oppositionism and debate, which is its only weapon.

The majority in complete comfort in its interest passes in a few minutes some laws.

We could not even have a debate and present our observations and alternative.

In a period of time we have understood, we have supported and we support the request of the opposition and the rest of it for the establishment of investigative commissions, but as we have warned, this path is not proving to be effective. Here it seems the big lost essay is the opposition.

I would like to encourage those rational and reasonable voices to understand that by blocking this parliament in this way, we block ourselves.

We will continue to attempt a dialogue within the species. It must be understood that basically our interest is for the government to put its shoulders against the wall in this hall.

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