Jail in absence of hospital

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By Lutfi Dervishi

The court, contrary to what the defense requested, decided today that the 35-year-old man, who had locked his wife, child and mother under surveillance, should remain in the cell.

The case in question is particularly alarming, not so much for the media attention as for the ‘unthinkable’: placing cameras in the toilet and installing anti-wave devices at home!

The 35-year-old’s actions, which severely infringe on the freedom and privacy of family members, are a clear sign of a mental health problem.

Due to a stigma still present, mental health problems are neglected. If, today, we do not have a problem (and we have quite good doctors) for the heart, stomach or any other organ, when it comes to the brain – there is a deficit created in decades both in understanding the disease and in its treatment.

Hiding and not addressing concerns, the spectacularization of public cases by the media are done at the expense of addressing and curing mental disorders.

Instead of the case in question (and not only) being treated sensitively and with a focus on mental health, instead of prioritizing psychiatric care, the court fell short and treated the actions of the 35-year-old as a criminal offense!

Despite 30 years into an often traumatic transition, there is still no radical change in the approach to mental health issues. Stigma towards this disease appears in different ways, from lack of understanding to prejudices that prevent them and their families from seeking the necessary help.

Anxiety and depression are often either ‘with an aspirin’, or remain undiagnosed and untreated due to stigma, lack of awareness and limited medical resources.

The case of the 35-year-old, although extreme, and “spectacular” sheds light on the importance of opening the debate about mental health problems.

People with mental health problems are among us, we are, but today it is a fact that who needs or does not have access or does not receive the right treatment in time and properly.

Beyond addressing the egregious cases, there is an urgent need to build a system that not only responds to crises, but proactively addresses the broader spectrum of mental health issues, including anxiety and depression.

The fight against myths and stigma is not easy, it is not easy to cure diseases related to mental health, but the need to change approaches, invest and intervene is evident. Not only because of the case of the 35-year-old, but because we see people with mental health problems on the streets, in television studios and everywhere.

The sooner we intervene for cure and prevention, the less we will have dramas and very controversial decisions like this one of the court today when instead of being sent for treatment to the hospital, the individual is sent to the cell.

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