“We have become like an inn without a gate”/ Korreshi against the choice of coordinators from “Refoundation”, the reason is revealed

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The Deputy of the Democratic Party, Sajmir Korreshi, opposes the way in which four coordinators of Reestablishment were chosen the day before, who will deal with the organization of the party.

During an interview on “Breaking” Top News, he says that the opposition must be organized as it can no longer continue with unilateral elections.

When asked how the opposition should continue the action in the Parliament, he said that the two remaining ways are protest or hunger strike.

How will the action in the Assembly continue? You have been punished again for the parliamentary sessions…

The majority says one thing in Brussels, another in Tirana. There they say ‘we will sit, we will dialogue, whatever you want’. When they come to Tirana they say “these were for Brussels, here we are in Tirana”. This situation requires aggravation. Either the test, or the hunger strike. Blow the whistle and get punished doesn’t bring anything new. The other part is, do people also suffer from troubles or problems or not. We are suffering from the “Albanian” syndrome. The situation is abnormal, the question is whether people want the aggravation of the situation or not. If people say that “we only need bread on the right”, let’s leave this job, take that salary and two years and leave. With whistles, whistles and banners, we can no longer move the Parliament.

The Presidency of the PD has appointed four coordinators, do you have a comment?

We have not had an invitation to the presidency meeting. I don’t know that coordinators have been appointed. I think there should be a coordination with the other group as well. Since the presidency has deemed it reasonable that there should be only these four, we have to wait and see what will happen in the following days. The evil of the DP is not only the organized coordination that takes place in Parliament, but also the organized coordination that takes place in party life. If we are talking about unity and common interests, there should be coordination also regarding the party line. It is pointless that we are all penalized together in the Parliament, while regarding the life of the party we hold different positions. If we continue like this, I think that we will never be part of the Democrats, we will never be part of that gray area, let alone deal with the disgruntled socialists. The chaotic way we are acting, where one person flees to America, one is punished, another makes a protest and some others are elected coordinators, this is like an inn without gates. The opposition needs another coordination, it needs to set up inclusive structures. If the structures continue with one-sidedness, we have nothing on the line.

If you had an invitation, would you join? You don’t know Berisha as the chairman, but Berisha knows Bardhi as the chairman of the parliamentary group…

Do we know him as a leader? I believe that is. Do we know him as the president? That’s another thing. We have never become part of the processes that he has outlined from September 2021. Lushnja has been an absolute winner in 2021, why should reformation of this branch that was a winner be necessary. Today Lushnja is ccorap. You know who’s the worst? The grassroots Democrats say “if we don’t unite, it’s pointless to call us”. It has been 10 years since Luli took the money of the voters and the Democrats spent the money of the reeds.

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