Berisha appealed the decision of SPAK that did not allow him to go to the Parliament, the session is postponed!/Berisha’s lawyer explains why the session against the former prime minister was postponed

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Sali Berisha’s lawyer, Genc Gjokutaj, has explained the reasons why GJKKO postponed the session against the former prime minister, who requested to participate in the plenary sessions. In a statement to journalists, he said that everything is done to burn Berisha’s mandate.

According to him, all the postponement is to delay the trial of this request because, as he said, “the only purpose of this court and the politics behind it is to burn Berisha’s mandate”.

He announced that the next session was scheduled for February 8.

“Today it has been deciphered that the political goal is being carried out strictly by this court. Why? At the time the security measures were taken, the measures were uncommunicated and they considered them communicated. Today the opposite happens. While the summons was signed by the daughter, the court did not consider this as notified and postponed the hearing. All the postponement is to delay the judgment of this request because the only purpose of this court and the politics behind it is to burn Berisha’s mandate. It has been postponed until February 8”, said Gjokutaj, who emphasized that “today the court received the fourth request for the dismissal of judge Irena Gjoka”.

It should be noted that about 2 weeks ago, SPAK prosecutors, Arben Kraja and Enkeleda Millonai rejected the request of Sali Berisha to participate in the parliamentary sessions.

In the disclosed decision, it was stated that the Code of Criminal Procedure does not provide for such permission. The prosecutors emphasized that the needs assessed by the court on the basis of which the “house arrest” measure was set must prevail in relation to the tax of the deputy against whom the investigations are conducted to participate in the parliament.

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