Arben Ahmetaj tells the conversation with the Prime Minister: How he threatened me at the Presidency meeting

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Former Deputy Prime Minister Arben Ahmetaj tells of a moment during the meeting of the Presidency of the Socialist Party that, according to him, Rama threatened him.

“In February 2022, all the hysteria of this conspiracy theory led to what I was practically convinced was my relationship with the prime minister was over. I have asked him to leave in February 2022 and I have asked him face to face that our relationship has turned upside down.

He didn’t let me leave to make my dismissal symbolic and the first threat came in the leadership meeting. On July 24, it was said that I was leaving because I had damaged the unity of the Socialist Party. I believe the prime minister will answer them with a joke, he will make the next joke about pears and apples.

In the meeting of the presidency, he used the expression; He who destroys the unity of the party will go to hell. I was impulsive but decided not to speak. That would bring me to the point. Let him make as many jokes as he likes and even rule with jokes. It was found out that I was not in the file of Elbasan and Fier and the part of the mercenary was fabricated, the file of the mercenary was given to Sofra e Ariiu.

I told him I understand very well that I will not be part of your government. At the meeting of the Presidency, you fired me from Vlora, now you are blocking the door of my house. I have sent him this news. The scapegoat and hate that maybe maybe I’m another format made it go there. I have been threatened three times by unknown people. Once by phone from prison and twice in person and when the threat passed with the woman holding my child at the Lake, I didn’t let her get away. The last time was in the district of Liqeni where I had a house for rent. They were politically inspired threats”, he said to journalist Çim Peka.

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