Ahmetaj’s statements about the incinerators, Basha reacts: What they do with each other, the heads hang, but…

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The chairman of the official Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, reacted after the statements of the former deputy prime minister, Arben Ahmetaj, who yesterday evening (February 1) accused Prime Minister Rama of the incinerators.

Through a post on social networks, Basha writes that “it is clear that these operate like criminal gangs and threaten each other with mafia codes”.

Lulzim Basha says that now everyone knows about Rama and points at him.

The chief democrat emphasizes, among other things, that the fact that Albanians’ money has been stolen is worrying.

“It is clear that these operate as a criminal gang and threaten each other with mafia codes. One is in the file with the crime, the other in the corruption bazaar, the other cannabizes Albania.

Now they accept it themselves and everyone points to Edi Rama. Anywhere else, the prime minister would have resigned, but in his case, the greater the abuse, the greater the arrogance.

What they do to each other, the heads hang, but what worries the Albanians is that they all together did not eat plums and pears, but the money of the Albanians, they abused their assets. And for this they must give an account before justice, from the first to the last”, writes Basha.

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