The meeting of deputies of the Bardhi – Berisha/ Noka group reveals what was discussed

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At the end of the meeting of the Bardhi-Berisha group of deputies, the deputy, Flamur Noka, stopped speaking to the media, who said that one of the issues that were discussed was the aggravated situation in the parliament.

Noka said that with the ongoing exclusion of opposition MPs from parliament, Rama is seeking to subjugate the opposition and trample it.

He added that today all PD deputies will be in the protest, those who are excluded will fight outside, while others inside.

Noka: The second thing we discussed is the aggravated situation in the parliament. Edi Rama, with the moves he is making, is trying to subdue the opposition and trample it.

The continuous exclusion of MPs shows the hostile approach that Rama has towards the opposition, and for this we have decided to call a protest, for parliament, for parliamentarism, democracy, justice and Albania.

Today, all the democrats and all the expelled deputies will be at the protest.

A battle inside the parliament and a battle outside.

When will the DP union be achieved?

Regarding the possible unification of the opposition, Noka said that this is a process that is nearing completion and there are no more discussions on this topic.

Noka: Everything is in process. Today we were together and there is no need for news. I understand that you want daily developments within the opposition and that is a good thing,

The opposition is united and everything is towards finalization.

The interpellation requested by the deputies of Basha

Deputy Noka, regarding the request of the deputies of Basha for an urgent interpellation with the Prime Minister Edi Rama, said that the Prime Minister, in order to try to put a lid on the megascandal, uses “Brava”, which asks him to wash his head muddied with corruption.

Noka: To wash himself and try to put a lid on this megascandal, Rama uses the “lock”, which seeks to wash his head muddied with corruption.

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