The Minister of Justice, Ulsi Manja, has given details about the Criminal Amnesty, where he said that the categories that will benefit from illegal constructions are those who have built without a permit on their own land or under the conditions of a revoked permit owned by himself.
Excluded from the amnesty, according to Manja, are those who have built on other people’s land or on state land.
“We will come to the discussion of this draft law item by item. But two paragraphs of Article 199a related to constructions without permission, are categories that benefit from this amnesty. I am talking about people who are still under investigation or in the process of being judged by the court because illegal construction is the category that benefits those convicted.
We have requested that whoever has built without a permit on their own land or under the conditions of a revoked permit in their own possession, be a beneficiary category.
Whoever built without a permit to meet housing needs is a beneficiary category, and here they refer to Article 199a.
Of course, those who have built on other people’s land or on state land are not beneficiary categories, the third and fourth paragraphs.
We wanted to give all those categories of people who have built on their land, for housing, the opportunity to benefit from this opportunity,” said Manja.