Who will be the opposition’s candidate for prime minister? Here is Salianji’s answer

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Deputy of the Democratic Party Ervin Salianji said in the show Now on Euronews Albania that he maintains the opinion that there should be renewal in the DP and that Berisha should not be in charge of the DP.

But according to him, the fact that he was able to get 500,000 votes despite the split in the Democratic Party, makes him a candidate for prime minister even though he is in isolation.

“Everyone potentially who is in politics at a given moment can be a candidate for prime minister. There are endless capacities, I have not seen any political party in Albania that, in the middle of this situation, say open a discussion about this. The rule is that whoever is the leader of the opposition is the candidate for prime minister. Berisha is isolated, but this does not prevent him from being prime minister, there have been other cases in the world”, said Salianji.

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