His grandson was killed by a car, the touching message of the 15-year-old grandfather in Saranda: The sky collapsed on our head

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The grandfather of the 15-year-old who lost his life after yesterday’s accident in Saranda, has dedicated a touching poem to his grandson. Through the lines, he expresses the pain that has gripped the whole family for the great loss, while he writes that he will keep his memory forever.

The 15-year-old was hit to death by a ‘Benz’ type vehicle while pushing the ‘Lancia’ car after suffering a breakdown.

As a result of the serious incident, the 24-year-old driver of the ‘Lancia’ type vehicle was seriously injured, while the 20-year-old driver of the ‘Benz’ type vehicle was arrested.

The post of the grandfather of the minor who passed away:
Kelush, why did you go to the sky so quickly?
You were as warm as the sun for us…
Why, God, did you do all this trouble to us?
O pain as heavy as a planet?!
How can the earth digest your smile?
Run away, grandfather’s pet, run away and leave us without hope
We will never see your curls on your forehead again
You were made like a div, you were a two meter boy!
Ooh, what broke the soul of beautiful Kelush
We burn from your pain more than embers!
What happened to this black mess on Thursday evening
There is no measure that can measure this pain!
O Keli, the sky and the mountains fell on our heads
Since last night, we shed tears for you.
Stand up and say a word Mama Jones and Papa Altin
I joked tell them and jump on the neck with joy!
Why, God, took Kelin, fifteen years old
He was a slave of God, was the most beautiful shoots?
Oh, what beautiful dreams, they cut you off, Kelush in the middle
Since last night your black eyes were closed forever!
I can’t believe that you won’t come to your grandfather in Ksamil.
You were spring itself for us, the most beautiful rose..!
Kelush, I don’t want to believe that you’ve been here for a few hours, bro
I will keep your scent in my soul for as long as I live!
Keli, Kelush… Keliiiiii!

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