‘Are you sold?’/ Alibeaj responds to the accusations of Reestablishment

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Enkelejd Alibeaj responds to the accusations of the Reestablishment group that the majority has been sold. Invited to Report TV, Alibeaj said that it is the Re-establishment that is bringing water to Edi Rama’s mill by blocking the Electoral Reform Commission.

Alibeaj said that it is Reestablishment that is bringing water to Edi Rama’s mill by blocking the Electoral Reform Commission.

“Sold are we who have said that this is our offer that the SP does not want, or those who make the development of the Electoral Reform Commission impossible, throw water in Rama’s mill. Rama doesn’t want it, he says it himself that he doesn’t, but even this obstacle to not be done, the only winner is Rama”, Alibeaj said.

The General Secretary of the Democratic Party, Enkelejd Alibeaj, also focused on the proposals of the Democratic Party for the Electoral Reform.

He said that the majority and the rest of the opposition do not want open lists.

“I understand that there is skepticism from a part of the opposition, this is not a matter of co-direction, those theses open list, Albania a zone, the vote of the diaspora, are they accepted or not even by representatives of the opposition. Open lists are a test for everyone, SP and the opposition. Open lists create a kind of risk for each of the deputies, whether they will continue to be or not. The choice between the interest of preserving the individual political career.’- said Alibeaj.

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