Former deputy: Saimir Tahiri is seriously ill, Koka and Blako check the food in the cell

Ish-ministri i Brendshem, Saimir Tahiri, Avokati, Maks Haxhia duke dale nga Gjykata e Posacme e Apelit Kunder Korrupsionit dhe Krimit te Organizuar, pasi SPAK ka kerkuar te njejtin denim me nga 12 vite burg per Tahirin dhe Jaeld Celen. Tahiri do te gjykohet per veprat penale “Trafikimi i narkotikeve”, ne bashkepunim, “Grupi i strukturuar kriminal”, “Kryerja e veprave penale nga organizata kriminale". /r/n/r/nFormer Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri, Lawyer, Maks Haxhia leaving the Special Court of Appeals against Corruption and Organized Crime. He will be tried from the beginning for the criminal offenses "Drug trafficking", in collaboration, "Structured criminal group", "Committing criminal offenses by a criminal organization".
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Former deputy Lefter Maliqi, who joined yesterday’s protest below the apartment of the head of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha, said that there are indications that the former Minister of the Interior Saimir Tahiri is in a serious state of health, raising doubts that what might have happened to him in prison. Maliqi, who also held the post of Deputy Director of Prisons a few years ago, also warned Lefter Koka or Alqi Bllako, imprisoned on charges of the incinerator affair, to be careful about what food they eat in prison.

“There are recent data that need to be verified, there are data that Ahmetaj escaped from his life, and for Tahir who is seriously ill, who knows what he did to him in prison for two or three years. As he did to all his associates. That’s why I warn him and I have said it on all social networks, also for Lefter Koka, Alqi Bllakon and others, to be careful. To control the food. What doesn’t happen with these. What can you say about national security? See how sophisticated the crime has become. Did you see Bajret? Gokajt? Have you seen the others, oligarchs and thugs? They got rich and turned into construction companies. In paid assassins, not only of elements of political opponents but also of those of the free vote, blackmailing, threatening and buying votes. Imagine where crime has reached in Albania.” Maliqi said.

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