The Electoral Reform Commission, Alibeaj, raises questions about diaspora votes

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The Electoral Reform Commission met today, where it is being conducted online.

The heads of political parties are participating in this meeting, who have also made proposals for the electoral code and its elements.

Enkelejd Alibeaj, while focusing on the vote of the diaspora, stated that the Constitutional Court found a legal gap, a lack of rules that the electoral code should contain.

According to him, there can be no anti-constitutionality for rules that are not in the Constitution.

“Regarding the vote of the diaspora, the Constitutional Court has found a legal gap, a lack of rules that the electoral code should have contained but did not. My question is, can the Constitutional Court establish the anti-constitutionality of some rules that are not in the Constitution? What Gkykata has said is that there is a lack of rules. The CEC can ask their parties what their opinion is, but their opinion is not decisive. The good thing is that when we ask, we get them in comfortable conditions to give answers,” he said.

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