“To remove this tyranny” – Electoral Reform Commission, Dashamir Shehi lists 4 points: It is worth spending some money!

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The head of LZHK, Dashamir Shehi was present at the Electoral Reform Commission, where he spoke in favor of opening the lists until the end.

In his speech, Shehi proposed a proportional system for electoral reform, while he said that he is in favor of electronic voting and counting.

“I am for the four points, I submitted them with the request in the hope that it will be built with a referendum, I am not enthusiastic that it will go so deep, but these four points are what we represent, we are a representative, not all, my basic opinion is this, that Albanian citizens should have a proportional right, we are for national proportionality, the law should work everywhere even for small districts, the lists should be opened to the end, even problems may occur, but with commissioners we problems have occurred, they will put their hands in and the elections will be controlled by them, it will be done electronically.

We need courage to do this work, public money has gone as much as you want, it is worth spending some, 2-3% of the votes should be counted physically, it should be done electronically to remove this tyranny of the commissioners, it is a old history of Albania, we talk about modernization, when it comes to the vote it is doubtful. I am in favor of voting for immigrants, you can vote by e-mail, there are millions in the world who do it, we don’t have any,” said Shehi.

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