“Anti-American” – Bejko: I go to all the opposition protests without Berisha

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The former PD candidate for the Municipality of Tirana, Roland Bejko, has stated that he will not participate in today’s protest called by the opposition, against the government of Prime Minister Edi Rama.

Bejko made the comments in Euronews Albania, where he said that he is ready to go to any protest, except for those where former Prime Minister Sali Berisha is present.

He also said that political protests have not brought any change in Albania, and this, according to him, was also proven in the protests that PD did when it was united, but added that citizens should protest without a party.

“That misgovernance is not something new. Since Rama took power, we have said that there will be bad governance. Rama has been in power in the Municipality of Tirana and has been proven. Rama deserves not only protests, but more than that, he deserves the vote so that the citizens stand in solidarity and unite. Let them come out to protest and overthrow Edi Rama. This is the best way to overthrow Edi Rama.

We have tried the political protests, you remember that we did very big protests, when the DP was united, we also went to bigger acts like the burning of mandates. These were done to show solidarity with the international factor, who did not support us. We were not in local representation and had lost a lot of ground in the general election.

Today I was in another activity, which is the activity for February 20, the symbolic date of the fall of the symbol of the dictator Enver Hoxha, that is, the fall of the idols. Here, you should only be with Sali Berisha to be a democrat. Don’t protest, but we also had a revolution that was left in the middle. I do not choose to protest today, but to reflect. I go to all the opposition protests without Sali Berisha. Anti-American protest”, said Bejko.

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