“The monster raised 3 criminals” – Pëllumb Meta’s sister was killed and buried by the children, serious accusations against his family

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Pëllumb Meta’s sister, Lutfie Muka, has made serious accusations against her sister-in-law, Blerina Meta, claiming that she pushed the children to kill their father.

She stated that the 50-year-old’s wife “raised and educated 3 criminals”, adding that she “turned against their father”.

Lutfie Muka, invited to “Opinion”, stated that the victim’s eldest son liked the life of luxury and that Pëllumb Meta had borrowed money to send him abroad to see Europe.

“When my brother was lost, I immediately thought about the children because I thought the children were growing up, that the eldest son had claims. He did not work, but he had claims. He knew very well the life of luxury that he came to me in the Netherlands. He tried to run away and as the laws of every country are that if you run away from the country you must have some money in your pocket, because despite the fact that he was coming to my aunt, he must have some money in your pocket, my brother, this father so badly described shame on those who describe it that way.

Shame! This is a great trauma not only for us who have been affected by this macabre disaster, but this is a trauma for all Albanian families who are misinterpreted by any person who is not responsible for the family they raise and bring such monsters as the lady who has nurtured all three children to turn against their father. The boy wanted a life of luxury, he came to the Netherlands and saw what it was like. The brother borrowed the money and brought him to see Europe. O sister, let him go see Europe, he said, and let him come back because he comes with other thoughts. Was that such a bad father? Why doesn’t the lady say this, that this father borrowed money and took his son out to see Europe?”, said the victim’s sister.

She added that they will not take revenge on Blerina Meta, stressing that they have left it in the hands of the police.

“We have left everything in the hands of the police. We have suffered and are seared by the pain and horror that the monster has done to our brother. He took the children by the neck, because he educated and raised 3 criminals, unfortunately”, said Lutfie Muka Meta

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