Agreement PS-Reestablishment/The first reaction comes from the official PD

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The general secretary of DP and the co-chairman of the Commission for Electoral Reform, Enkelejd Alibeaj, has reacted to the agreement reached today between the SP and Reestablishment, regarding the establishment of two investigative commissions and the return to normality of parliamentary life.

Through a statement to the media, Alibeaj said that today it was proven that the rhetoric about revolution and overthrow by the Reestablishment was a lie.

Alibeaj also said that this agreement is aimed at hitting the Electoral Reform, since according to him, neither Rama nor Berisha wants open lists and equality of votes.

Alibeaj’s statement:


Now that the secret negotiations have ended and that the public knows them, it can be said with full mouth that, nothing new from the front of the old bargains!

Today it was proven that the rhetoric about revolution and overthrow was a badly concocted lie that, sooner or later, would come to light.

All of the Democrats’ back-and-forth for months has been nothing in the interest of themselves and their families, but everything in the interest of a small group of people fighting to keep each other firmly in the game because the fall of one automatically paves the way for the downfall of the other.

It is now clear that the agreement was not to keep the government and Edi Rama under control, but it was to keep the monopoly of the political system together with Edi Rama, the Rama-Berisha agreement of 2008, he in power and they in a opposition always and less. Also, to hit the SPAK, through the control of the justice system.

As we warned, today’s agreement, first of all, is aimed at hitting the Electoral Reform, because neither Edi Rama nor Sali Berisha want a system that will remove the monopoly of the lists from them and give the citizens the right to choose.

None of the old political actors want Albania as an Electoral Zone, because only by fragmenting it can they control and manipulate it more easily.

None of them wants the equality of the vote of every Albanian, because they have divided Albania into domains, where each one calls certain parts of it his property.

None of the politicians who should belong to the past, do not want the removal of the electoral hers, because the whole war these days is done with the promise of being in safe places in the lists of the next year.

Edi Rama and Sali Berisha are the biggest opponents of the diaspora vote, because sometimes one and sometimes the other are the main causes of Albanian emigration, so they will do everything to prevent such a thing from happening.

That is why I am here today to denounce this shopping at the expense of people and for narrow personal interests

Albanians need an electoral reform that gives power to their vote, and the opportunity to decide who will represent them in the government assembly. This has been, is and will be the goal of the Democratic Party.

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