The mandate of Irena Gjoka ends

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Irena Gjoka’s term as deputy president of the First Instance Special Court for Corruption and Organized Crime has ended.

The judge with three surnames Irena-Gjoka-Maneku-Shpata has been accused by the opposition of being expelled from Greece and of hiding this violation.

In the meantime, GJKKO announces that the election process has been completed today and Erjon Bani has been elected vice-chairman of GJKKO. Out of 9 judges participating in the voting, Erion Bani was elected with 6 votes, while the other 3 votes went to the other candidate in the race, Erjon Çela.


1. On 24.03.2021, it appears that Mrs. Irena Gjoka has been elected as the Vice-President of the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime. According to the legal and sub-legal acts, the term of office of the Vice President is three years without the right of immediate re-election. Therefore, Mrs. Irena Gjoka’s mandate ended on 24.03.2024.

2. For these reasons, the General Meeting of judges of the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime conducted the procedure for the election of the Vice-President of this Court today on 25.03.2024. The Deputy Chairman of the High Judicial Council, Mr. Ilir Rusi, was also present at this meeting.

3. Referring to the requirements of Article 26, point 3 of Law no. 98/2016 “On the organization of judicial power in the Republic of Slovenia.” as well as decision no. 7, dated 21.12.2018 “Regulations for the approval of the rules for the election of deputy presidents of the courts” of the Supreme Judicial Council, which provide for the election of the deputy president from among the judges of the Court, after the process of verifying the fulfillment of the legal criteria for the two candidacies of presented, specifically judges Erjon Bani and Erjon Çela, in the presence of nine judges, the General Meeting continued with the voting procedure.

4. In the end, Mr. Erjon Bani was elected with 6 votes, as the Vice President of the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime.

5. In the conditions when the position of the chairman is vacant, Mr. Erjon Bani will exercise the powers of the Chairman of the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime, until the election of the chairman of this court by the Supreme Judicial Council.

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