“The cauldron has just started to heat up”/Hoxha breaks down Altin Duman’s sensational statements about businessmen and the Police

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Artan Hoxha was invited to the show “Te Paespozuarit” on MCN TV, where he spoke about the reporting of the head of SPAK to KLP.

Hoxha said that Dumani raised several concerns, among the most important being the connections of big businessmen with organized crime and the fact that SPAK does not trust the police because high-level officials in the police are related to crime.

“SPAK has a great facility, it does not report to the Assembly, but to the KLP. That’s why the atmosphere there was very exciting today, everyone is in support of SPAK.

In the report held by the head of SPAK, it was more detailed, it was interesting that they confirmed many of the problems that we have brought out here, the basics of crime, corruption, and it even got to the point where Duman separated two elements, requested that SPAK be released from the small files. Secondly, he said that we have a lack of judicial police.

Mr. Dumani gave a figure, compared to 2022, state institutions have reduced the number of denunciations. Instead of increasing, they decreased. Customs, taxes. He specified economic crime. Economic crime should be the main solution today and investments in human resources and technology should also be focused there.

The other element said that there are some investigations that we cannot trust the police. He said that these are investigations that we do with the BKH, because in some investigations, senior police officers appear as collaborators of criminal organizations. So the institutions do not file complaints. Trust in institutions, the vast majority of actions on the ground are done by the police, and if this is the problem, we have a very big problem.

Looking ahead, the cauldron has just begun to heat up. Dumani said that SPAK alone cannot succeed.

He made a division of criminal groups, the hottest areas. The expansion of criminal organizations, their action in Latin America, etc. It identified hot spots in the country, including the Port of Durrës, where large organizations have all contacts because cocaine lands.

For the first time, a leader expresses concern and says powerful businessmen, mainly with organizations at the local level, play the role of mediator, because organizations need to invest, they need businesses. The biggest problem that Dumani said was the fact that these businessmen have strong connections and access to investigative bodies, the police, the judiciary and they create contacts to either corrupt or prevent punitive actions against them.

Dumani said that big businesses have become intermediaries between criminal organizations and public administration. This is an alarm.

He also specified the number of persons under surveillance. This was noticeable because the number of people under surveillance appeared to be very large,” said Hoxha.

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