Are you Berisha’s successor?/ Argita Malltezi doesn’t hide it anymore

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Although she said that she has no concrete plan, Argita Malltezi said in the Debate by Alba Alishani on A2 CNN that she is ready to serve in any position, leaving open the possibility of leading Reestablishment.

“I was very truthful in what I said. I have never seen politics as the field where I would like to make my contribution. I have always been connected to politics. I am very satisfied with the profession I do. Like many other Albanians, I do not see activism in politics as my main issue, the circumstances brought me to take this role, for which I was not sorry that I had not taken it until now. I really hope that things take their course and that my activism remains public for as long as necessary and no more.

However, I stand by what I have said that I am willing to take whatever action is necessary to advance a cause in which I believe and I have no hesitation in taking such action.”

Alba Alishani, the head of Debate, asked Malltez the direct question, telling her if she would be willing to take her father’s chair if necessary.

“I am quite ready to contribute in any kind of position that I think my contribution is necessary. I do not suffer at all from the desire to be first, but I have not made any kind of plan, however I will not hesitate to take any kind of action that I feel I must do to escape a situation, at least , untrue.

I have nothing concrete at the moment, except the plan that my support is unlimited and my action cannot be limited by subjective barriers. I don’t inherit my father’s chair, but what he will do if necessary is that he will compete like any other person for any type of position,” said Malltezi on A2 CNN.

In the end, Argita Malltezi emphasized that she has not specifically discussed this with Sali Berisha, but emphasizes that he has given her support publicly.

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