“Who are you fighting Argita with?” Arian Çani collides with Malltez

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The daughter of former prime minister Sali Berisha was on “Now with Erla Mëhillin” on Euronews Albania this Monday, where she said that she never intervened in her father’s non-appearance at SPAK, as she considered his decision to be right.

Asked by journalist Arian Çani if ​​this situation comes from the declaration “non grata”, Argita Malltezi said that this was the result of a corrupt lobbying against the leader of the opposition.

Excerpts from the debate:

Argita Malltezi: Of course it is a typical case of transnational corruption. This is on the website. We have published. This has been corrupt lobbying that has led to design non grata. But it is one thing what happens on the political level and it is quite another thing when the internal structures set up for justice and law enforcement violate the law with both feet, falsify evidence to put the leader of the opposition in prison, obey the order and Edi Rama’s political appetite for this.

Arian Çani: I’m not saying that Edi Rama is not interested in this story, but I’m saying this, in the fight you’re doing for the release of the opposition leader, shouldn’t this be mentioned more often? That you have targeted SPAK, Edi Rama, this comes to you from the USA. Albania is a penal colony already. There are people who think it’s a good thing. The idea is who are you at war with? It seems to me that your fight is pointless.

Argita Malltezi: The fight to stay in something you believe in is never meaningless. Berisha has said from the beginning that he does not allow a foreigner to appoint Albania’s opposition.

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