Scandal with fictitious employment/ State official, barber in Tirana during working hours

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The Fiks Fare show denounced on Monday evening the fictitious employments in the Luz i Vogël Administrative Unit in the Kavajë Municipality.

A surveyor, during official working hours in the state, works as a barber in Tirana. Meanwhile, a tax employee and a plumber, both 20 years old, are full-time students in Tirana. The appointments are from the last year.

The surveyor’s name is Limon Ajdini and he is an employee in this Administrative Unit. Mr. Ajdini has had several duties in this Unit. First in Urbanism, then in Public Relations and finally surveyor. At noon on April 8, 2024, around 12:00, Fiks Fare journalists went to the “Selvis” area in Tirana, where Mr. Lemon Ajdini. Fix’s camera captures the topographer while working as a barber. He was not doing topographical measurements in Luz, but he is serving the Fiks journalist during official working hours in the state as a barber.

On April 17, around 13.00, Fiksi goes to the Unit in Luz and asks Mr. Lemon Ajdini. The journalists talk to the police officer of the Unit, who says that he is “not at work”. He says that “you are looking for the barber, so I don’t get confused”. Everyone knows about fictitious appointments.

On May 15, at 12:00 p.m., Fiks journalists go again to the Selvia area in Tirana, where they find Mr. Aydini working as a barber. In fact, he tells the journalist that “in the morning he takes a barber course and after 12 o’clock he works in the salon”.

Meanwhile, the other two employees are named Leo Lusha and Egland Beu, both students in Tirana but with government jobs in Luz te Vogël in Kavajë. Both are 20 years old and were fictitiously appointed a few months ago in the Luz i Vogël Administrative Unit in Kavajë. Leo has been appointed a plumber and Eglandi as a tax employee.

A few days ago, Fiksi went to the Administrative Unit, at 12:50, on working days and hours, to ask if the employees Limon Ajdini and the two students Leo Lusha and Egland Bey are at work. An employee claims that the administrator is not and should have left a written request. Journalists look for the administrator and he tells the employee that “I’m in a meeting at Kavaje Municipality”. Fiksi asks about the three employees, if they are currently at work and where, to film them where they are working.

The employee communicates with the Administrator again and says that Limon Ajdini is a surveyor, Leo Lusha is a plumber and Egland Bey is a tax employee.

Journalists insist on filming them at the workplace. After many minutes, at 14.25, Limon Ajdini goes to the Administrative Unit, who says that he has been working in Kavaja and met a resident about a problem. The journalists inform him that Kavaja is close and it does not take 1 hour and 30 minutes to come to Luz. He answers that he doesn’t have a car and that he came in a random car.

Journalists also show the dates when they filmed him working as a barber, or when they searched for him in this Administrative Unit. He claims that it may have happened, but he left when he had his birthday and some other work.

Meanwhile, around 15:00 the employee standing in the hall of the Administrator of the Administrative Unit informs the journalists that the employee Leo Lusha is in the middle of the village of Vorrozen, working and you can find him there. Fix’s group goes to Vorrozen and finds him in the center of the village. Journalists ask him how old he is, while he initially states that he is 22. Then he shows his birthday and finally admits that he is 20 years old. He says he is a student in Tirana, in the Business Administration and Economics branch. The reporters tell him that his work vest is new, ironed and not dirty. “We are young boys, we keep to ourselves, we don’t hang around,” he replies.

The fix goes to Unity and that’s where Leo goes. Journalists ask the employees to see their hands, since being a plumber is hard work and damaged. Leo says that they are not damaged. Meanwhile, until 16:00, the Fiks Fare group received the Administrator, but he refused to provide information about the employees.

Luz i Vogël Administrative Unit, Kavaje Municipality

Journalist – We wanted the administrator a little!

Employee – He is in Kavaja, at 12:00 he was in a meeting.

Journalist – Can you let us know.

Employee – If I may know about what problem?

The employee – At 1:10 p.m. the meeting begins, he just moved.

Journalist – We are going there, we will meet him in Kavaje. Yes, it’s good here, tell him, to meet you here. What time is 1pm fixed?

Journalist – Is it too late there?

Employee – I don’t know how long the meeting will last, but at 13:10…

(Communicates with the Administrator via messages)

Journalist – What do you mean, is the exchange of messages continuing?

The employee – He tells me that he is in a meeting and I don’t know how late the meeting starts at 13:00. Can you leave the information in writing what is required?

Journalist – Give us an hour tomorrow, we’ll come tomorrow, or will he wait today when he comes out?!

Employee – (Continues texting) Insists on the same written answer as to what you need.

Journalist – We have a list of some employees who do not come to work at all.

Journalist – Now, we have the information, just verify it. It’s 13:08 today, Mr. Is Limon Ajdini currently at work?

Employee – They are field workers!

Journalist – Does he work either in Public Relations or in Urbanism?

Employee – No, Public Relations…

Employee – Yes, she was Public Relations and moved to another position.

Journalist – Ok. Is he currently at work and where is he?

The employee – Yes, the Administrator knows where he is…

Journalist – Yes, that’s why we were waiting for the Administrator. Get the Administrator on the phone and we’ll just verify it. Is it in Tirana?

Employee – (Continues to exchange messages)

Journalist – And what is Limon’s job?

The employee – She is a surveyor specialist.

Journalist – Did he come this morning?

Journalist – At what time? Do you come to work every day?

Journalist – In Tirana or here?

The employee – (Laughs) She comes to us every day, now I don’t know. He comes here in the morning, receives orders from the Administrator where he has to work…

Journalist – Now we have filmed it, tell the Administrator that you are also doing the broken phone. We have filmed several times that he has a business in Tirana. He owns a barber shop and works full time at that barber shop. Next, Mr. What is Eglant Bey’s job?

The employee – Eglant Bey is in taxes.

Journalist – How old is Eglanti, did he finish school?

Employee – I have no information.

Journalist – Is he in Tirana or is he working in Kavaja, in Luz.

The employee – Eglanti, I don’t know!

Journalist – Leo Lusha is a maintenance, electrician.

Journalist – He is at work, are these two employees at work? You ask me…

The employee – I will come tomorrow.

Journalist – Not that he will bring them tomorrow because he knows very well, but tell him today. The time is 13:11 minutes in Kavaje, tell the Administrator, since he wanted it in writing. Today these people, Limon Ajdini, Eglant Betu and Leo Lusha are currently at work and when did they come to work for the last time? We have an answer from the Administrator…

The employee – You will come tomorrow!

Journalist – They are at work today, it is 1:15 p.m., are these 3 employees at work today?

The employee – The Administrator is aware of them!

Journalist – Where are they so I go and shoot them if they are at work?

The employee – That’s why she tells me to come tomorrow…

Journalist – Today, today. If they are currently there, tell them that I will go and shoot them where they are at work. Where are they in which country? Eglanti should be in taxes or not?

Journalist – He is at the tax office, is he here today?

Employee – Now we have A. Čeka as an employee here, while he is a field employee.

Journalist – Where on the ground am I going?! In which village?

The employee – If I don’t know, I don’t tell the employees where they go.

Journalist – Leo, where is the electrician that I go to meet him? In any village, in any country! Leo Lusha … And Lemon in which country, in which village? To the barbershop in Tirana or to any village in the Luz Unit? We will wait until 16:00 for all these employees. Did Limoni become a surveyor?

Journalist – Limoni has a barber shop in Tirana. Do you know the Mayor who was a barber? The current president…

Employee – Has worked before.

Journalist – Was he a barber?

Employee – Yes. Yes, he worked, now he has passed the chairmanship.

Journalist – And Lemon is in it.

Employee – Worked before. Because I cut my hair at him (the mayor’s uncle) myself, because I am from Kavaje, do you understand?

Journalist – Did you shave in Limoni?

Luz i Vogël Administrative Unit, Kavaje

The employee – Leo Lusha is in Vorrozen together with the other employee working on the lights. While Eglanti went out with the municipal employees in the field…

Journalist – Where is what country?

Fiks Fare’s group goes to the village of Vorrozen

Journalist – Are you from the Unit?

Journalist – We asked you for 3 hours there (at the Administrative Unit).

Employee Leo Lusha – I was in the field.

Journalist – Let’s have a short interview.

Employee Leo Lusha – I’m leaving, brother, don’t take us out?

Journalist – Why? How old are you?

Journalist – What date of birth?

Employee Leo Lusha – 06.04.2004.

Employee Leo Lusha – 2004 ie, 21 (years).

Journalist – Like 21 months, now you have turned 20..

Employee Leo Lusha – O brother (don’t film)

Journalist – What is your mission here?

Employee Leo Lusha – Plumber.

Journalist – How many years have you been working here?

Employee Leo Lusha – I am now logged in.

Journalist – Where did you find this (vest)? Where did you find this that you are wearing now?!

Employee Leo Lusha – Yes, no, no…

Journalist – Are you in school in Tirana?

Employee Leo Lusha – Business Administration.

Journalist – To whom (University)?

Employee Leo Lusha – Economics.

Journalist – Are you in school in Tirana?

Journalist – Is Eglant Bey also at school?

Employee Leo Lusha – I don’t know him at all!

Journalist – And now (you) work here, how long have you told me, how many months?

Employee Leo Lusha – 4-5 months.

Journalist – Where were you today? That we went at 14:50…

Employee Leo Lusha – Today I went, got permission from the mayor, to go to get a certificate from the school.

Journalist – And then you came here?

Employee Leo Lusha – Then I came…

Journalist – I mean, we were there at 1:10, it’s 3:00, what time is it now?

Employee Leo Lusha – I don’t know! I was here at 12:00.

Journalist – Do you show up there every day?

Employee Leo Lusha – Yes, every day.

Journalist – Where did you find this vest?

Employee Leo Lusha – How and where did I find it?

Employee Leo Lusha – In the car.

Journalist – I was naked.

Employee Leo Lusha – Where do you see that I wash it?

Journalist – That’s why I’m ironed.

Employee Leo Lusha – Oh brother, we are young chuna, we don’t like to be slime.

Journalist – Not an iron dog…

Employee Leo Lusha – Ironed is as it should be.

We go again to the Administrative Unit

Journalist – Administrator no (didn’t come)?

Employee – No. Did you find this (Leon Lushan)?

Journalist – I found it, but don’t show me your hands! Can I see your hands?

Employee 2 – He did not go to the prosecutor’s office.

Journalist – I had the same with me.

Employee Limon Ajdini – He is not painted…

Journalist – He must have a point with something. They are a little dirty, they have…

Employee Limon Ajdini – He had a pair of pliers.

Journalist – The student’s hands are visible.

Employee 2 – He washed his hands.

Journalist – The administrator does not know when he will come!

Until 16:00, the Administrator did not go to the Administrative Unit Luz i Vogël!/Top Channel

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