Tropojania is elected deputy in the Brussels Parliament: I emigrated when I was 8 years old

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Albanian Kristela Bytyçi will now be the first right-wing Albanian deputy under the banner of the Reform Movement (MR) in the Brussels Parliament.

She has shown everything from winning the election, being involved in politics for 7 years and emigrating from Tropoja to Belgium.

Kristela emphasized that she was only 8 years old when the family left for Brussels, where she started a new life.

“The polls for us as a party have been positive and we expected that we would have a good result, but when I won I was very happy.

My party is the oldest in Belgium, centre-right and liberal.

Belgium has a complicated policy and this time we have voted three times, the European, federal and regional parliament, where I was also a part in Brussels.

Originally from Tropoja, I was only 8 years old when my family left for a better life. We had other family members here, that’s why we chose to come to Brussels”, Bytyçi confessed to “ABC e Măngjesi”, among other things.

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