Çani: Basha went to the US Embassy after they removed the seal, this is what he was told!

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Journalist Arian Çani said that the former chief democrat Lulzim Basha went to the US Embassy after the Court of Appeals gave the seal to Berisha.

Çani made the comments on the show “Now with Erla Mëhillin” on Euronews Albania, where he said that information has come out that the US Embassy has advised Basha to appeal to the Supreme Court for the loss of the seal.

On the other hand, the head of the DP Parliamentary Group, Gazment Bardhi, said that this is a lie.

Bardhi also said that Basha makes a big mistake by speaking on behalf of the US Embassy.

Excerpts from the discussion:

Çani: One day after receiving the seal from Berisha, Luli was at the US Embassy. And from Luli’s group, information has come out that they told him after the meeting that he should appeal for the seal.

Bardhi: Basha holds a very big meeting under the table speaking on behalf of the USA. There is no US interference in the DP seal issue. They were completely neutral. I express my views. For me yes is yes, no is no. I have tried to make a briefing in advance. I appreciated and appreciate the strategic relationship with the USA. I have never commented on the statements of any foreign embassy. I have never announced myself as President Biden’s envoy to Albania, or tales of this kind that Anglo-American ships will come and attack the building where Berisha is.

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