The 76,000 ALL loan turned into a 4.8 million ALL debt! The sad story of 63-year-old Pal Trashaj, who lost his life after drinking poison in front of SPAK!

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Pal Trashaj, whose assets were taken from the executors working for microcredit companies, died this morning (July 3), a day after drinking phostoxin in front of the premises of the Special Prosecutor’s Office.

The event shocked not only those present, as at the time of the event there were many people who were faced with the painful scene, while the citizen had asked to meet with a BKH investigator or someone from the Prosecutor’s Office.

The citizen was quickly spotted by those present in the courtyard of SPAK, he was given first aid and an ambulance was called, sending him to the reanimation department of QSUT. But the 63-year-old from Lezha could not survive, losing his life this morning (July 3).

SPAK reacted to the event, which happened yesterday afternoon in front of the premises of the Prosecutor’s office, where 63-year-old Pal Trashaj consumed phostoxin. According to SPAK’s announcement, Pal Trashaj appeared before the information officer and requested a meeting with one of the BKH investigators for a case which, after verification, turned out to have passed to a general jurisdiction prosecutor’s office in 2022. .

The prosecution continues by clarifying that while the information officer contacted the case investigator, the citizen went outside to the yard, not coming to get an answer. Only after a few hours outside the premises of SPAK, the hospital emergency services were seen and there it was learned about the action taken by the 63-year-old. Therefore, SPAK informs that it has immediately made verifications about this incident to clarify every action of the institution’s employees.

Full notice

Regarding the incident of the citizen Pal Trashaj that happened outside the Special Prosecutor’s Office, our institution congratulates Mr. Get well soon! We clarify that the citizen in question presented himself to the information officer and requested a meeting with one of the BKH investigators for a case which, after the verifications, turned out to have been transferred to a general jurisdiction prosecutor’s office in 2022.

Then the information officer informed the citizen to wait until he informs the investigator of the case about his request. While the information officer contacted the case investigator, the citizen went outside to the yard, not coming to get an answer. After a few hours, outside the premises of SPAK, emergency hospital services were seen and there it was learned about the action taken by Mr. Get fat.

Our institution has immediately made verifications about this incident to clarify every action of its employees. The Special Prosecutor’s Office guarantees that it will respond in time to every citizen correctly and in accordance with the law for matters that are within its competence.


As it is already known from the whole public opinion, financial fraud schemes with microcredits have affected a large number of citizens in our country. One of these victims is Pal Trashaj, from Lezha, who, in the conditions of depression, drank phototoxin in front of the doors of SPAK. The 63-year-old, who is known as a historian in his town, has for years denounced the ordeal with the loan received, which then multiplied over the years until the asset was blocked.

Yesterday, he arrived at the premises of SPAK as the only hope to find justice. He was not allowed to enter the interior for 2-3 hours and began to persistently seek a meeting with the leaders and then drank the poison he had on a letter he had in his hand at that moment.

Loan 76 thousand ALL that turned into 4.8 million ALL debt

According to the data coming from Lezha, it is known that Pal Trashaj had a remaining loan since 2008, in the amount of 76 thousand ALL. Pal Trashaj’s loan was bought by MCA, which demanded 4.8 million ALL, blocking everything for 5 years: the house, the land, the car and the salary where he worked. Trashaj demanded that SPAK take over the issue of the robbery of his property by bailiffs, for whom he had earlier filed a civil lawsuit in the Court of Lezha.

He claimed that he had repaid the loan and that the actions taken to seize his property were illegal. Pal Trashaj is one of the many victims of microcredits, but his file is not the subject of SPAK’s investigations.

Meanwhile, in 2015, Trashaj was also fined by the Tirana court after threatening the director of a second-level bank with messages. In May of this year, at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office,

The Court of Tirana has imposed 9 security measures, 5 “prison arrest” and 4 “house arrest” for administrators of financial entities and executors, under the charge of the criminal offense of ‘fraudulent and pyramid scheme’ after being involved in the microcredit fraud scheme . As an example of the scale of the microcredit scandal, the prosecution cites the case when Micro Credit Albania seized 14 real estates from a person for about 348,000 ALL in arrears.

According to the prosecution, the 5 companies, Micro Credit Albania, ADCA, SHP Zig, FS, FLASH, received from a second level bank 3999 loans considered bad and unpaid over the years with a total amount of 7.3 million euros. They used a coercive loan-taking scheme where, through theft, debtors who had old debts in banks were forced to take out loans even though they had no possibility of repayment, and their salaries, properties, or cars were blocked by enforcement agencies.

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