The life of Arben Ahmetaj and his family in danger?! The former socialist minister calls on the state: Measures should be taken in Switzerland too, if he is killed, he can…

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Former socialist minister Arben Malaj has called on the Albanian state to take measures to protect the life of Arben Ahmetaj. The left-wing politician, who also served as the deputy prime minister of Albania, escaped and has currently received asylum in Switzerland.

In two television appearances, Ahmetaj has publicly stated that his life and that of his family is in danger, since various characters, influenced by the leadership of Tirana, have threatened him in Switzerland as well.

“I spoke when others were silent. He worked with me and it’s not up to me to speak,” said fellow socialist Arben Malaj, adding that his only message to Ahmetaj is for the Albanian state to cooperate with the police structures to ‘secured his and his family’s life.

“The only message I have is that if Ahmetaj’s family or his life is in danger, the Albanian state must get the maximum cooperation with police structures in Switzerland so that we are not branded with any crime committed against a former politician, even if outside Albania”, said the former socialist minister.

Read the full comment of former minister Arben Malaj:

Good morning, I’m starting with the last message, the message for Ahmetaj.

I spoke when others were silent. I have said my concerns and the public concerns. Now I have to be silent to give the turn to those who can’t wait to speak.

Our democracy is seriously damaged by those who are silent when they should speak and speak when they should be silent.

The more seriously democracy is damaged, especially when in both cases when they speak when they should remain silent and when they remain silent when they should speak, they serve only as dummies.

The only message I have is that if Ahmetaj’s family or the life of his family is in danger (who pay a heavy cost without justice) in Albania and outside Albania, the Albanian state should aim for maximum cooperation with police structures in Albania and Switzerland to ensure the life of his family and him personally, so that we are not accused of any crime committed against a high-level ex-politician, even outside of Albania.

SPAK should be maximally supported and politicians should stay as far as possible from tensions with the new justice system.

Every political leader must understand that the accusatory aggressiveness towards SPAK structures, and specifically towards Altin Duman, only justifies their guilt and does not help them.

SPAK has all the legal and professional authority to stay away from media pressures and implement the basic principle that everyone is equal before the law regardless of their political and social status.

Criminality, strengthened by political support at any time, is the wound and the most serious challenge to the deterioration of this symbiosis between politics and crime.

It’s not a new phenomenon and it can’t disappear easily, but we have to fight to remove the nails embedded in the crime through corrupt or self-dealing politicians, in the poor, suffering and poor body of Albania.

Therefore, SPAK should be maximally supported.

Politicians should stay as far as possible from tensions with SPAK, which is a structure created and supported by Euro-strategic partners and is facing a very difficult job because the spread of criminality, such as crime, theft, and corruption, seems to be so massive that they will have to select the most typical cases, rather than manage to investigate in time all the issues presented to them. The investigations should be exactly where there was corruption and state capture.

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