Crime of passion in the capital / Pastor, appeal to the police still on the run: Erion, surrender, I can imagine the pain from the wife’s betrayal!

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Pastor Akil Pano reacted on his social network on Facebook and called on police officer Erion Goxharra to surrender to the authorities.

Two words for the police officer and the directors with love!

Will this history of directors with their subordinates in public institutions ever end?
This question comes to mind when I think of the tragedy of the destruction of a family as a result of betrayal. When I think of the destruction of the dignity of public institutions as a result of the sale and purchase of jobs, the professional incapacity of employees and the immorality sitting cross-legged in state offices.

There was a time when the almost proverbial expression ‘how are your subordinates!?’

Friends, I apologize for the way I’m starting this note! I never want to get dirty by casting shadows of doubt on the character of any girl or lady who works in the public administration. Honor and respect for every woman of integrity who has not succumbed to the temptations or demands of superiors to give her body in exchange for workplace safety, and of course respect for every state functionary who treats employees and the state office with dignity. .

But this history of directors, department heads, general secretaries, etc., who use the workplace as a place to fulfill their sexual passions must end. These destroyers of human dignity do not deserve the given function, as their behavior cannot even elevate the dignity of the institution where they serve.

From the media I learned about the wounding of the director of ERE by an employee of the Shqiponja special team. The reason; the intimate extramarital affair of the police officer’s wife with the director with whom she worked in the same office.

I wish the director of ERE a speedy recovery. The wound of his family is deeper than the bullets. It is a wound of betrayal. The pain that the family experiences is greater than anyone can imagine, carried away by the passion of the moment that blinds his eyes to see that the dignity and honor of the family cannot be violated. Of course, you have to “teach the man” moral integrity, strength of character to preserve and maintain the family.

Every person, after his “foot slipped” and in his fall began to feel the pain that lasts (in some cases his whole life), thinks: “was it worth it? Why did I leave everything I thought I would never lose in my life for the passion of the moment!?”

These are the bitter lessons of life that hurt and travel with the person who does not learn from the failures of others.

Before I close this note, two words about Erion, the operative of the Eagle forces.

Dear Erion! I am addressing you as a father to his son!

As a man, I can imagine the pain you experienced from your wife’s betrayal. I imagine the struggle that has been going on inside you to forgive and give marriage and family another chance! But some things in life don’t just depend on you.
After you discovered the infidelity, in the conditions of constant arguing and unwillingness on the part of the wife to save the marriage, you had to let the wife go and follow her own path. When a woman betrays her husband, or vice versa, respect for her partner and marriage has ended. Respect is the ethical minimum to fix what is broken. Emptying your gun did not raise you above the level of the lawbreakers you were chasing.

Please answer the call of director Vocaj and colleagues. It is in your dignity to take responsibility for your actions.

If you think I can help in this difficult time, do not hesitate to write to me. You are in my prayers!

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