PD-PS “Pact” for the new Electoral Code, Dashamir Shehi lawsuit in the Constitutional Court: Open lists!

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The Chairman of LZHK, Dashamir Shehi, through his legal representative, has filed the latest changes in the Electoral Code with the Constitutional Court.

In the request submitted to the Constitutional Court, it is stated that the list of candidates for deputies should be subject to the will of the citizens and not the will of the mayors, and according to him, they should be open.

Legal representative Rezart Kthupi, while leaving the Constitutional Court, told the media that he submitted the lawsuit on behalf of Shehi’s party, since the small opposition parties have different legal opinions and decided to make separate lawsuits.

“From the moment of entry into force, we have tried to jointly address the problem, bearing in mind that the legal opinions are different, we have decided that each one should file a separate lawsuit”, said Kthupi.

Small parties oppose the “SP-PD” pact with the Gjiknuri-Bylykbashi Dialogue Group, for closing the lists in 1/3 of them, and opening 2/3 of them, demanding the repeal of this article.

After a marathon session on July 26, the Assembly approved with 106 votes in favor, 2 against and no abstentions, the new changes in the Electoral Code which provides that the list of deputies will not be completely open. 1/3 will be closed and exclusive to the party chairman and not subject to preferential voting.

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