Erion Veliaj is included in school books, photo of the mayor of Tirana in “Cytétaria”

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The panorama of education that is being served during the last years in Albania is sad. The PISA report ranked us last in the region, while in recent years, around 295 9-year schools have been closed and the number of students in rural areas has dropped by 40%.

Besides this sad reality, another scandal has recently affected education in our country. Concretely, in the school textbooks, since the photos of a politician, namely the mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, have been inserted into them.

This scandal was denounced today by the chairman of the FRPD, Besart Xhaferi, who posted a video showing that in the “Civics 3” textbook, a photo of Veliaj was inserted at the Municipal Council meeting.

“He chose the subject of Citizenship 3, because of the complexes he has, where as it appears in the video on page 33, he inserted a photo of himself in the meeting of the Municipal Council, whose powers he took to pave the way for him the affair of the incinerators”, writes Xhaferi, among other things.

Xhaferi writes that the Ministry of Education must take responsibility for this scandal and come out with a public stance and make transparent the procedures that were followed from the publication to the delivery of this book in the hands of the students.

“Last in every PISA report, but MAS takes care to put Erion Veliaj’s photos in our children’s textbooks!

In the PISA report on creative skills compiled in 2022 and published in 2024, Albanian students were ranked last in the world, as the lack of vision, corruption and nepotism have completely destroyed public education, where according to the figures of this government in a decade, 295 9-year schools have been closed and the number of students in rural areas has decreased by 40%

Despite this sad panorama with the education that today is producing functional illiterates in mass, the leader of the 5D Gang Erion Veliaj, who with his sect squandered 55 million euros of the education tax and has left entire neighborhoods of Tirana without kindergarten and public school, takes care to include his photos in school books, as was done before the 1990s.

He chose the subject of Citizenship 3, because of the complexes he has, where as it appears in the video on page 33, he inserted a photo of himself in the meeting of the Municipal Council, whose powers he took to pave the way for the affair of incinerators

This is the same official who tried to impose Parent 1 and Parent 2 in nurseries and kindergartens and the same one who sends personalized letters to public schools, where the children learn, that he and his gang are stealing their future with corruption galloping.

The Ministry of Education should take responsibility for this scandal and come out with a public stance and make transparent the procedures that were followed from the publication to the delivery of this book in the hands of the students”, writes Xhaferi.

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