Ylli Manjani demands the closure of RTSH: It has become like a brothel that is paid from our money

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Ylli Manjani has requested the closure of RTSH. In a reaction on social networks, Manjani returns to the idea, stating that RTSH is like the former metallurgist who does not produce anything.


“RTSH = Media that we pay to not watch/listen to any program.

Why do we do this, who the hell knows?!

Logic dictates that such a media, which does not even have the audience of a portal, should be closed a second earlier.

It cannot be justified to keep a media with public money for a festival a year, a festival which Ardit Gjebrea makes for his own pleasure, in a media with a national license.

It makes even less sense to maintain such a media, with public money to hire a board, presidents and directors who simply fight over how they will share salaries, bonuses, tenders and employment for themselves.

And that it makes no sense at all, yes, at all, to hire people who also share extramarital intimacy, while we pay them. At least put these things on the screen and pin them to justify the payment…

In short, in my opinion (I have had this opinion for a long time) RTSH should be closed altogether. It has not justified a single public penny for years.

RTSH looks like the park of the former metallurgist in Elbasan that only has harmful waste and a reddish appearance that evokes only disease and cancer.

It should be closed immediately, I think. The public money that keeps this non-recyclable waste afloat can really finance national cultural and artistic activities, with a guaranteed audience.

Even the idea that such a media serves the next government (in fact it does) is not supported by reality. The government buys the private media better, because it does business with them. If it were for RTSH, the government never gains anything.

Therefore, it makes no sense to keep such a media with our money.


Me shumë lutje sugjeroj që të mos merrni mundimin të krahasoni këtë realitet me ZDF, RAI apo BBC. Ju lutem”, shkruan ai.

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