With tears in her eyes, Agim Doçi’s sister remembers the late poet: Here is the pawn that was left with the television

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Teuta Doçi, Agim Doçi’s sister, was invited to the show “Vizioni i Pasdites”, where she emotionally shared details of her relationship with her late brother and the well-known Albanian writer.

Agim Doçi lost his life on June 24 of this year, and for his sister the pain is still fresh. Through tears, she shared that every night she had a phone call with Agim.

“This time is filled with pain, but also with a lot of longing. It seems to me that even now that we are together, he can take her on the phone. Agimi and I had a nocturnal call, if it was summer the call was at eight in the afternoon, while in winter at seven in the afternoon. Agimi, being 16 years older than me, has been like a second parent to me. He has been supportive and very tolerant of me. For Dawn continues and is posted on social networks. The shortage is very big. I thought that with the departure of my parents, especially my mother, I would no longer feel pain, but Agimi’s departure was very difficult. I called Agimit Lali and I was very pampered. At the meeting with my parents, when I was in high school, Agimi always came”, said Teuta Doçi.

Agim Doçi’s sister shared the most beautiful moment with her brother. She shared in the “Vizioni i Pasdite” studio the special gesture of Dawn at her wedding.

“The moments I experienced with him are the moments I can’t forget. The most beautiful moment with Dawn is my wedding day. On the day I got married, a disaster happened in our tribe. Gimi along with my mother were the two people who not only kept it a secret, but turned the situation around so that I wouldn’t find out anything. He turned everything in my favor, he wanted me to be happy that day. Gimi was really very emotional, because if you’re not emotional you can’t write those lines. It was really very sensitive. If you didn’t appreciate it properly, Agimi was very touched, but also exploded. Dawn went to Eurovision twice. He was super happy those days,” added his sister.

As for the tributes, she said that no one volunteered even though they had to. Teuta showed the biggest pawn of Agim Doçi. She said he wanted to have his own TV show.

“RTSH was an institution that had to offer itself if we wanted to pay a tribute, but this did not happen. They didn’t fulfill the obligation they had, but that’s no problem. Agimi has written many beautiful texts. I always remember the first song. Then the song “We love happiness” that became iconic. He really wanted to have his own TV show about songs. He wanted it a lot. He wanted a show that he could direct and moderate himself”, said Teuta Doçi.

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