“I had to rest for 3 days”/ Rama talks about the operation at QSUT: The next day I had to stand up to wait for the “sultan”

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Prime Minister Edi Rama has spoken for the first time about the surgical intervention he performed at the “Mother Teresa” University Hospital Center for the inguinal hernia, recounting the vicissitudes he had to go through.

“I had to perform a surgical intervention and take the path against science,” said the head of the government.

In the “Flasim” podcast, Rama said that he should stay for 3 days off, but it was impossible because he had to wait for Turkish President Erdogan in Tirana and then travel to Hungary and Luxembourg to open the first group-chapter of negotiations for membership with the European Union.

“The next day I had to stand up to wait for the Sultan, who was coming from the East, then the next day I had to take the streets to the center of the former Hungarian empire to meet my friend Viktor Orbán, to thank him for everything Hungary has done for this impetus. last and then we should go together and sit on that mahogany as equals”, said Rama.

The Prime Minister emphasized that he was under the effect of some very strong injections to avoid pain, which caused him insomnia.

Edi Rama: I had to perform a surgical intervention and take the path against science, completely, because I had to stay at least 3 days off, but it was 3 days completely impossible because the next day I had to stay on my feet to wait for the Sultan, who came from the East, then the next day I should take the streets to the center of the former Hungarian empire to meet my friend Viktor Orban, to thank him for everything Hungary has done for this last push and then we should go together and sit on that mahogany as equals.

This led to the fact that under the effect of some very strong injections, which resulted in staying without sleep to avoid pain, I walked around the screens after many years.

I don’t follow them, it’s common knowledge that I don’t follow the debates in the studio, I get a short summary of the things that are important, but I’m physically unable to be able to work if I follow that crap. From what I saw at that moment, I understood that it is necessary for the public to be informed because there is a fog, a misunderstanding, a mixture of chatter.

This process is very technical and can be boring, we try to give the idea that Union with Europe is a two-lane road.

It is the daily lane of reforms and measures, factual evaluations by the European Commission and politics, because it is a political family that decides beyond what are objective criteria.

We have seen that while the negotiations regarding our tasks and the evaluation of commissions have been recommended to begin, the door has remained closed to us, delaying us in time.

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