“Reduce the salaries of MPs and give them to pensioners”, Rama reveals the reason why it cannot happen

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Prime Minister Edi Rama, in a meeting with pensioners, explained why, according to him, the logic of those who say “lower the salaries of MPs and give them to pensioners” does not work.

“Some say that you should reduce the salaries of MPs and give them to pensioners. It’s good that the whole day is spent dealing with grandchildren or sons-in-law, but you also need those who come to your dinner on TV. There is no connection at all because higher earners pay more into pensions each month. So pensions are covered by those contributions, while taxes are for investments and not for pensions. We will deal with all those who avoid paying social contributions as with those who did not pay electricity”, declared the Prime Minister.

“This government has done two things for pensions that if they had been done earlier, we would not be here. First, he made a pension reform that made people get a higher pension starting from 2014. Second, in that reform he said that we cannot leave any elderly without a pension, even though it does not appear in no social security record and is a stay-at-home grandmother category. Very few countries in Europe have this,” added Rama.

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