List of assets/ In the search for participation in a criminal organization, the properties of Fatjon Murat are seized

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The Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana announces that it has seized the property of citizen Fatjon Murati, wanted for participation in a criminal organization and drug trafficking.

The prosecution body has seized property in the name of Murat, which includes several vehicles, an apartment, a basement unit with a 6-story building.

“In search of a series of criminal offenses from participation in a criminal organization to drug trafficking, the Tirana Prosecutor’s Office brings to trial the citizen F.M.

The prosecution at the Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction, Tirana completes the investigations and sends the defendant, citizen F.M. for the criminal offense of “Cleaning the proceeds of a criminal offense or involvement in criminal activity” provided for by Article 287/a of the Criminal Code.

From all the evidence collected during the preliminary investigation for criminal proceedings no. 2600/2018, it was proven that this citizen, through the property (cash money) created from the illegal activity of theft and trafficking of narcotics carried out in Italy, for the period 2014-2015, has invested in immovable and movable assets, transferring them in the name of his family members (mother and brothers) in order to cover their origin and to avoid any further legal consequences on these properties.


– Unit, basement floor in a 6-storey building, surface area 317 m2, address Albanopoli, Tirana owned by the mother;

– Citroen vehicle;

– Mercedes Benz vehicle; AND

– Daimler vehicles.

These assets in the name of the mother and the 3 vehicles in the name of the subject and the brothers are not justified by the legal income realized from them.

As above, from the preliminary investigations, it is proven that there are sufficient data to create the conviction that the defendant F.M. has fully consumed the elements of the criminal offense provided by article 287/a of the Penal Code. In the reference material it was said that the citizen F.M. in cooperation with six other people, they acted as part of a criminal organization, arrested by the Italian police, initially with a tendency to theft and then expanded their criminal activity, including the trafficking of narcotics.

Citizen F.M. is currently wanted at the national level for evasion in 2015, ‘acceptance of stolen goods’, ‘abusive possession of weapons’, ‘Participation in crimes’ and ‘Trafficking in narcotic substances'”, says the announcement of the Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana .

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