Is he withdrawing?! Parliamentary elections, Agron Duka: I will no longer run for MP

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The President of the PAA, Agron Duka, said today in a statement to the media that he will not run in the May 2025 Parliamentary Elections.

He emphasized that new figures in politics should be given space.

Duka: When several mandates and times pass, I think that there are other people who should replace us, since the same people continue in Parliament for decades, do not change the laws, continue to receive those four or five mandates, whatever they give, they will not give more than those who will come. Who wants to receive the message.

Does this message also go to your ally Berisha?

Duka: It goes to anyone, Berisha’s problem is different than in the current moments that currently the opposition leader cannot make such a decision because he is in disarray, while our boat is small and I believe we will recover quickly. I am not making this decision today, but I said it a year ago, despite you asking me, that I will no longer run. We have started the campaign, being small parties, alternative parties, these parties do not appear in the polls. They often said that you are not in these polls, but as soon as the candidates appeared, we emerged as the third party after the two big parties, we hope to have the same trend. These elections are different from local elections, but they still have one thing in common, that the individual is very important. If we know how to elect the individual well, with integrity, I believe we will have the same result as in the local elections.

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