Prime Minister Edi Rama has already created a new column on the social network Facebook, as he responds to some of the commentators who express complaints or dissatisfaction with the current government.
Today, Rama decided to respond to a commentator who, although happy with the general work of the government, had asked the prime minister to pay more attention to pensioners and drinking water in the country.
“Happy, Mr. Prime Minister, you are slowly fixing Albania. But with drinking water and pensions, you are not doing well. Pay more attention here to the two main issues for the people and pensioners, respect them more,” the commentator had written.
Meanwhile, Edi Rama responded that his government is the only one that has managed to increase pensions to this value and is the only government that has managed to offer pensioners two bonuses per year, for the new year and, what is new, the spring bonus.
Among other things, Rama has not left his political opponents without irony, as he says that the only thing they have managed to promise the people is flying carpets for pensioners like Sudja and Xhaferri.
The Prime Minister closes the video by saying that Albania has never had a better government and will not find one for the next 10 years, than the one led by him.
Edi Rama’s regime:
The good has no end and the debt of this society to pensioners, whether those who lived under the dictatorship or those who lived through the stateless years of the transition, is never washed away.
But if there is a government that has done and can do even more for pensioners, it is only this SP government. It was this government that carried out the pension reform and enabled those who retired in the last 10 years to have a significantly higher pension than those who retired before, it is this government that gave pensioners a full 100 million euros a few weeks ago as a bonus for the new year and will give them a second bonus for the first time in the spring and will maintain two bonuses in the future. These are facts, the constant care of pensioners with whom we will share at every step their deserved share of the now unstoppable growth of the economy.
The others, those who do not have, nor will have anything in their hands, from a big tar … to a few small, shameless and unscrupulous tars, offer pensioners flying carpets, carpets as worthy heirs of the economic policy of Sude and Xhaferri. But let no one forget, and many pensioners do not forget who made Albania wool and flax, secondly, they know arithmetic better than a lulator, and thirdly, they understand more clearly than anyone else that we are not the best and that this country has neither had nor can find anyone better than us, and for 10 good years without question.