May 11th elections/ Pandeli Majko is entrusted with the electoral campaign in Berisha’s blue bastion, Kavaja

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Socialist leader Edi Rama has started this Monday with a meeting with all political leaders.

The focus was precisely the diaspora vote. However, there was also a new development with Pandeli Majko, who was stripped of the political leadership of the Kukës region last Monday.

Meanwhile, Pandeli Majko left Kukës as political leader, and will be campaigning in Kavajë. Unlike previous elections, this time Rama has chosen to focus his forces in Tirana, which produces the highest number of mandates, specifically 37.

The political leader of this region is Veliaj, while ministers Ogerta Manastirliu, Albana Koçiu, Delina Ibrahmiaj, as well as Elisa Spiropali, Pandeli Majko and Ervin Hoxha will also be campaigning in the field.

The same sources indicate that the former socialist prime minister will be presented this afternoon at the assembly of the Socialist Party of Albania (SP) in Kavajë, a city that is a bastion of the right.

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