Agron Tufa writes to Berisha: The elections for mayor of branch no. 2 in Tirana were manipulated! Will you continue like this?

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Former director of the Institute for the Study of the Crimes of Communism, Agron Tufa from Switzerland, where he has been granted political asylum for years, addressed the chairman of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha, through a public letter.

The elections of Saturday, January 11, in the branch of the Democratic Party no. 2 in Tirana, according to Tufa, were manipulated, a black omen for the elections of May 11, 2025 and the elections in the other branches of this party.

Full reaction:

Urgent letter to the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Albania

Dear Dr. Berisha,

Based on an early and new concern, which has no and cannot have any personal interest, apart from my right-wing worldview, I bring to your attention once again, as during the years 2006-2013 initially, the issue of interference in democratic rules in the branches of the DP.

What happened yesterday with the elections in branch no. 2 of the DP in Tirana with the mega-manipulation of the free will of the members of this branch, with tricks, falsifications, to necessarily produce a winner according to the tastes dictated by the Working Group, is a bad omen for the future perspective of the elections in the other branches and the undermining of the path of the democratic people towards May 11, 2025.

For the sake of the white and dedicated hearts of simple democrats throughout Albania, this wonderful, loyal and long-suffering people, you, doctor, must be well informed on this issue. Moreover, the elections in this branch should be repeated, all in accordance with the statute and regulations. Otherwise, this technology refined over many years, of the intervention from above by the adepts of the Central Presidency in the branches of the DP (whoever they may be), not deforms, but shatters the will of the democratic voter. How is it possible that these early diseases still continue, without finding a cure?

I have seen this disgusting film since 2006 and onwards in many branches of the DP, I am taking Dibra, for example, and, about these scams with godfathers of delegates from the Presidency of the DP, who came and stirred the pot, I informed you personally concerned based on the facts, never for even a shred of interest! I could not close my eyes to the violent and stupid injustice… Later, I informed Mr. Basha (during the period 2013-1019) about the same problems, always with facts, which were always confirmed. And what? Chronicle of a predicted defeat… Nothing was done! The most sincere people left, were even beaten, declared enemies, fled abroad with their entire families and their innocent children, whose parents had raised them in the spirit of freedom of the DP! They did not know how to explain to their children why they were being beaten, why they were being fired from their jobs, by the same right-wing party in whose spirit they had raised their children. I have been touched by this drama, I have seen it. They, doctor, were brutally persecuted and were completely sincere and determined, fair and incorruptible intellectuals, but they left taking with them sorrow and bitterness. They were declared enemies! And the Branch, as is known, degraded – from a stronghold of the DP, it came and was transformed from defeat to defeat. Monstrous!

Should the disputing voices be heard? Especially those who have no interest, except for their right-wing worldview? I have the impression that this disease of the Interveners from Above, must be put to an end, now, by radically repeating the elections in branch no. 2 of the DP, Tirana.

The adepts accustomed to these unhealthy games should learn a clear lesson. An early and long-experienced bureaucratic faction in such electoral fraud is more interested in the conformity of the losing post than in problematic unity, openness and democratic rules!

The conspiracy against Mrs. Irma Marku, who has entered with her group house by house throughout the neighborhood, who has spent whole nights with her group under the balcony of the imprisoned leader of the Democratic Party, is hurtful and insulting. She, doctor, she with her group, not the winner, not her snippy nose… And, as they claim, one of the accusations of the working group against Mrs. Marku was that she “has filled the DP branch no. 2 full of former political persecuted(!!)”. We will not deconstruct this sentence: it sufficiently completes the accuser’s self-portrait.

With the regret that I wrote to you at length, my only suggestion remains this: the elections in branch no. 2 of the DP, Tirana, should be radically redone! Lakrori will then show what is inside the noodles…

With respect,

Agron Tufa

Writer, political asylum seeker


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