Will we beat Spain? Lorik Cana surprises with the answer

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“It was the best of the best”, so said the former captain of the national team, Lorik Cana in ‘Euronews Albania’, adding that he would have liked to be on the field in the match between Albania and Croatia, where the Reds and Blacks drew 2-2 against one of the best teams. powerful.

Cana said that yesterday’s match was “the best of the best”, as the team we faced is one of the 3 most powerful teams in the last 5-6 years.

Asked how Albania will fare against Spain, Cana answered: “They did a great performance like tonight, but it will still be extremely difficult. We have to do our best, we have to have a little bit of luck on our side. Hope dies last. I want to have what we did in the match with Croatia again”.

As for the question of whether Albania will pass the group, Lorik Cana said: “I am optimistic, 50 to 50 we will pass the group”.

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