Do you agree with former Prime Minister Berisha for a technical government? Here is how Ilir Meta answers

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The head of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, has been asked if he holds the same opinion as Sali Berisha, for Edi Rama to resign and for a technical government to be created.

Meta said that he is convinced that this dark period of our country will receive the deserved response.

“I am convinced that this dark period of our country, dominated by a completely mafia government, dominated by an arrogance that has excluded the people of Albania from any decision-making, will receive the deserved response and for this I am optimistic. There is no chance that faith in change will be killed,” said the PL leader.

Meta also spoke about his tour, which he said will continue until election day.

“I also started the tour of meetings across Albania yesterday and will continue until the day of the elections. And I call on those who founded LSI, those who have followed us, who have been disappointed, who do not believe in the European dream, I call on them to join us. Wherever we go, we will meet every patriotic Albanian, every young person, every pensioner and we will show them the program of the Freedom Party”, he said.

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