Are there negotiations between Basha and Berisha for a place in the list of deputies? The Democratic MP reveals the truth

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The unification of all factions of the Democratic Party before the 2025 elections was one of the points that Luciano Boçi described as extremely important during the interview on A2 CNN.

But an invitation to join PD led by Sali Berisha will never go to Lulzim Basha, as according to Boç, the former president has decided to leave this political force forever.

“We have clarified Mr. Basha’s position. Mr. Basha himself chose to be outside the PD. Those who choose it with their declarative will, I believe, have determined their position. In politics, there are no things that exist forever, but there are things that man can decide for himself forever. Mr. Basha has decided himself to leave PD forever, to leave the Democrats. It is his choice and let him continue on his path”, Boçi said.

Asked about the rumors that there are negotiations between Sali Berisha and Lulzim Basha to accommodate the latter on the PD list for the 2025 elections, Boçi ruled out this possibility.

He clarified that even the possibility of inclusion as a faction, given that the new PD Statute allows it, cannot be used by Basha since the registration deadlines have ended.

“There were all the conditions and circumstances that anyone could register as a faction in DP. There is no such initiative, it should have already been submitted because the election deadline is approaching, but I am not rigid in my determination because I did not start from my personal or political positions, but I referred to Mr. Basha’s statements. He is the one who has been taxing in this division and I’m just reminding the public that it’s not our choice, because it seems like we don’t accept it, but it’s his choice, he’s self-excluded. He did not accept, that is, and as long as he did not accept, of course, we are also determined to respect his will. Let him continue the way he has continued until now”, Boçi clarified.

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