Does Basha have a place at the Federation table, says Gazment Bardhi

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The head of the opposition group, Gazment Bardhi, spoke after the meeting of political parties about the creation of the United Opposition Coalition.

Bardhi has stated that the opposition parties have come together to oppose Rama’s government until it is overthrown and to become a reliable alternative.

He emphasized that a divided opposition has been the best gift for Rama’s government, while to the question of whether there is a place for Basha at the table, he answered that “anyone who is in the opposition and feels as such, the only way to get stronger is to become all together.”

Bardhi: After the act of unification, today we also have the union of all the forces that have declared themselves in the opposition, formalizing the federation of the united opposition. The divided opposition has been the best gift for Rama’s government. We have all come together to oppose Rama’s government until it is overthrown and to become a reliable alternative.

It was an initiative of the allies and DP joined it. The duke contacted anyone he thought was an opposition party.

Should there be a place at the table for Basha?

Bardhi: Anyone who is in the opposition and feels as such, the only way to get stronger is to all come together. I don’t see any other way to face a government that is coming together, due to the disunity of the opposition.

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