The chairwoman of the Appeals Committee of the Democratic Party, Adriana Kalaja, has filed a complaint with SPAK against Democratic MP Enkelejd Alibeaj, alleging that he is secretly cohabiting with the member of the Constitutional Court, Marsida Xhaferllari.
Ms. Kalaja accuses Alibeaj and Xhaferllari of committing several serious criminal offenses, including forgery of documents, concealment of income, abuse of office, obtaining illegal interests and exercising illegal influence. Kalaja stressed that Xhaferllari participated in political activities, despite legal prohibitions, during the time when the seal and logo of the Democratic Party were held by Lulzim Basha.
Adriana Kala’s statement:
“I wanted to clarify to the public that in January 2024, a year ago, against Ms. Xhaferrllari, according to the evidence that we presented to SPAK, it turned out that in violation of duty, Ms. Xhaferrllari had participated in a political activity at the time when the seal and logo were held by Lulzim Basha.
SPAK decided not to initiate this case, arguing that even if she had participated in this activity, this did not constitute a serious violation. Also, the cohabitation between these two subjects was accepted. Today we have presented the fact that both of these subjects have not declared this cohabitation to the High Inspectorate of Declaration, showing that we are facing a serious criminal offense, such as forgery, concealment of income and obtaining illegal interests.
Meanwhile, the case of Mr. Berisha and Mr. Malltezi was being reviewed by the Constitutional Court. The applicants have requested the exclusion of Ms. Xhaferrllari from these cases due to her cohabitation with Mr. Alibeaj. This is because Mr. Alibeaj himself, being part of the Mandates Commission, not only created the necessary quorum to make a decision regarding the authorization requested by SPAK to replace the measure against Mr. Berisha, but also openly expressed hate speech.
He manipulated the situation, surpassing even the members of the Socialist Party in this commission, when he declared that “Sali Berisha’s immunity should be lifted and he should go before the law”.
Meanwhile, Ms. Xhaferrllari, in addition to not declaring her cohabitation with the High Inspectorate of Justice, has made a misleading statement before the College of Members of the Constitutional Court. She has categorically denied cohabitation with Mr. Enkelejd Alibeaj and has also denied her participation in political activities.
For the public, I would like to make available the photos of Ms. Xhaferrllari. For this reason, we have asked SPAK to investigate also the mobile phone data of the two subjects we are reporting today. According to our data, not long ago on Sunday, these two people were seen together in the city of Vlora. This is a serious breach of duty, while Ms. Xhaferrllari has declared before the Constitutional Court panel that she did not participate in political activities. In fact, this political activity was the one where Lulzim Basha also DJed, an activity where they celebrated not for the New Year, but for the arrest of Sali Berisha.
We are showing that nothing is accidental, neither the decision-making of the Constitutional Court nor the exercise of illegal influence, for which we have brought concrete evidence.