Accused of hiding assets, judge Ardian Hajdari is sentenced to one year in prison

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Judge Ardian Hajdari, former member of the Special Appeal Board, was sentenced to one year in prison, after being accused of concealing wealth, but will be converted to two years of probation.

We remind you that SPAK, at the time when he made the declaration to the High Inspectorate for the Declaration and Control of Assets and Conflict of Interest, ILDKPKI, in 2017, in the function of his application for a position in vetting institutions, left the column regarding income previously generated by law.

According to the prosecutor’s office, the non-declaration of income from the activity of the lawyer is not forgetfulness, but it is a genuine concealment carried out for several years in a row.

From the verifications carried out, it has emerged that Hajdari has represented dozens of cases as a lawyer for several years, but has not declared the earned income in taxes.

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