Bomb alert in Tirana schools, anonymous e-mail: We will drown you in blood

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In the 9-year-old school “Katund i Ri” an e-mail arrived anonymously from “Albania Albania” threatening with a bomb, raised the alarm this morning (May 17).

In the email provided by the journalist Klodiana Lala, it is written that “the blood of the teachers will be spilled in the schools and that the children and women will be killed only if we get in the way”.

“We will destroy you in the streets. Our trucks are filled with explosives. They will destroy you in the main squares like in Nice. We will drown you in blood”, it is said, among other things, in the message sent at 04:15 in the morning.

After the message, the State Police took measures and carried out inspections at the school. From the verifications carried out, it turned out that the alarm, warned through an anonymous e-mail in the early hours of today’s morning, was false.

Cyber ​​crime has launched investigations to find out who is the person hiding behind the e-mail. The first suspicions are of cyber-attacks, however, investigations continue.

Content of the threatening email:


We have always looked forward to the day when we can come down

in the city and not hide our faces The day will come when our images in our heads will become the destructive force of the reality you will feel on these walls

The blood of the teachers will be spilled in the schools We will cut their necks

The enemies of Allah will distort our actions Sharia does not divide the unbelievers into belligerents and peaceful

I said: “O Messenger of Allah, our horses trampled on the women and children of the idolaters. He said: “They are from their fathers.”

Children and women will only be killed if they stand in our way

We will destroy you in the streets Our trucks are full of explosives They will destroy you in the main squares like In Nice

And he will cut the crowds with knives They will enter you and blow themselves up

We will drown you in blood.

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